
арьергард имя существительное:
арьергард (rearguard, rearward)
тыльный отряд (rearguard)

Англо-русский синонимический словарь. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "rearguard" в других словарях:

  • Rearguard — may refer to:* A military detachment protecting the rear of a larger military formation, especially when retreating from a pursuing enemy force.* Rear Guard , a computer game released in 1982 …   Wikipedia

  • rearguard — ► NOUN 1) the soldiers at the rear of a body of troops, especially those protecting a retreating army. 2) a reactionary or conservative faction …   English terms dictionary

  • rearguard — [[t]rɪ͟ə(r)gɑː(r)d[/t]] 1) N SING: the N In a battle, the rearguard is a group of soldiers who protect the back part of an army, especially when the army is leaving the battle. 2) PHRASE: V inflects If someone is fighting a rearguard action or… …   English dictionary

  • rearguard — rear|guard [ˈrıəga:d US ˈrırga:rd] n [Date: 1400 1500; : Old French; Origin: reregarde, from rere behind (from Latin retro ) + garde guard ] 1.) fight a rearguard action a) to make a determined effort to prevent a change that you think is bad,… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • rearguard — noun fight a rearguard action a) to make a determined effort to prevent a change that you think is bad, although it seems too late to stop it: A rearguard action is being fought against the sale of the land for business development. b) if an army …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • rearguard — UK [ˈrɪə(r)ˌɡɑː(r)d] / US [ˈrɪrˌɡɑrd] noun [countable] Word forms rearguard : singular rearguard plural rearguards 1) the members of a political organization who do not want the organization to change 2) the part of an army that is responsible… …   English dictionary

  • rearguard — n. 1 a body of troops detached to protect the rear, esp. in retreats. 2 a defensive or conservative element in an organization etc. Phrases and idioms: rearguard action 1 Mil. an engagement undertaken by a rearguard. 2 a defensive stand in… …   Useful english dictionary

  • rearguard — adjective Date: 1898 of or relating to resistance especially to sweeping social forces < fought a rearguard action against automation > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • rearguard — /rear gahrd /, adj. 1. of or pertaining to a rear guard. 2. designed to oppose or prevent in a defensive way: a rearguard strategy. Also, rear guard. [1895 1900; attributive use of REAR GUARD] * * * …   Universalium

  • rearguard — /ˈrɪəgad/ (say reargahd) noun 1. a part of an army or military force detached from the main body to bring up and guard the rear from surprise attack, especially in a retreat. –phrase 2. fight a rearguard action, to struggle to make the best of a… …  

  • Rearguard Falls Provincial Park — is a provincial park in British Columbia, Canada, protecting the waterfall of the same name, which is on the Fraser River just above its emergence into the Rocky Mountain Trench at the community of Tete Jaune Cache. The park is easily accessed… …   Wikipedia

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